Following a weight loss diet is never easy. Some days, we may be able to follow it diligently, while on others, we find ourselves struggling. The most challenging part of following a weight loss diet is curbing those untimely hunger pangs. Whether they strike during the middle of the day or at night, they come unannounced and can easily derail us from our weight loss journey. But don’t lose hope. Luckily, there are several ways to naturally suppress your appetite. Recently, nutritionist and weight loss coach Simran Khosla took to her official Instagram handle to share some of these hunger suppressants. Check them out below and take a step closer towards accelerating your weight loss journey.
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Which Foods Help Suppress Appetite? Here Are 6 Hunger Suppressants Recommended By The Nutritionist:

Nutritionist Simran Khosla suggested six hunger suppressants to include in your diet to achieve your weight loss goals:

1. Fenugreek Water

Fenugreek (methi) is a spice commonly found in Indian kitchens. Khosla suggests that drinking its water can be beneficial for suppressing appetite. She recommends including fenugreek water in your morning routine. Since fenugreek seeds contain soluble fibre, this water can help promote a feeling of fullness. So, start having it from now onwards if you don’t already and see the remarkable results for yourself.

2. Isabgol

We’re all aware of the use of isabgol as an effective home remedy for treating constipation. But were you aware that it can also help suppress your hunger? Also known as psyllium husk, it is rich in fibre and can aid in appetite control throughout the day. Just add a spoonful of it to a glass of warm water, mix it well, and consume it preferably in the morning.

3. Green Tea/Black Coffee

Do you like to start your day with a cup of tea or coffee? If so, consider swapping it with green tea or black coffee. Both of these beverages are low in calories and can help suppress appetite and boost metabolism. According to the nutritionist, green tea and black coffee can help keep you fuller for longer durations and prevent you from binge eating at odd hours. It may require some effort to make this swap, but it’s worth it.

4. High-Fiber Foods

Nutritionist Simran Khosla also suggests incorporating high-fibre foods into your diet. It’s no secret that fibre promotes a feeling of fullness and keeps us satiated for longer. Whether it’s fruits, vegetables, or whole grains, they are all quite effective and reduce the likelihood of overeating. Some high-fiber foods that you can consider adding to your diet include oats, broccoli, chickpeas, apples, beans, etc.

5. High-Protein Foods

You can keep your hunger pangs at bay by incorporating protein-rich foods into your meals as well. The nutritionist explains that they help regulate appetite hormones and can prevent you from binge eating. Protein takes longer to digest than carbohydrates, thus suppressing appetite. Eggs, yogurt, peanuts, lentils, and nuts are some great sources of protein and a must-have in your daily diet.
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6. Flaxseeds

To achieve your weight loss goals, you must also add flaxseeds to your diet. Khosla shares that flaxseeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which can help control hunger. They are also rich in fibre, which further aids in this process. She recommends that the best time to consume flaxseeds is at night. You can sprinkle these tiny seeds on your meals for an extra dose of fibre.

Now that you’re aware of these hunger suppressants, incorporate them into your weight loss diet and witness the difference yourself. Stay fit, stay healthy!
