Biscuits are something that we simply cannot get enough of. Whether a plain vanilla-flavoured biscuit or an indulgent chocolate one, they are loved in all their shapes and flavours. They also make the perfect accompaniment to our evening cup of tea or coffee. If you’re a biscuit lover, we are sure you must have multiple packets stocked in your kitchen pantry. After all, you’d want to make sure they are within reach whenever you find yourself craving them. Sure, store-bought biscuits are convenient, but we can’t ignore the fact that they are high in sugar and saturated fats. This makes them not-so-healthy as compared to a freshly prepared batch at home. Here, we’ll be sharing a biscuit recipe with you that you can prepare in just under 30 mins. They are just like the popular Hide & Seek biscuits and will be a hit among chocolate lovers.
Also Read: Delicious Homemade Almond Cookies Recipe: Better Than Store-Bought Biscuits

What Makes These Hide & Seek-Inspired Biscuits So Unique?

Most biscuits typically have all-purpose flour (maida) and sugar as their key ingredients. However, these chocolate biscuits are prepared with whole wheat flour (atta) and jaggery powder. This gives them an edge over regular biscuits, making them a healthier alternative. So, if you’re someone who’s trying to eat heathy, you can enjoy these biscuits without any guilt. They taste just as good as Hide & Seek biscuits and might just become your new favourite.

How To Store These Biscuits?

If you want your Hide & Seek-style biscuits to last long, you must store them correctly. While store-bought biscuits have proper packaging, your homemade batch needs an alternative. And what better than your good old air-tight container? Once your biscuits are fully baked, allow them to cool and transfer to these containers. Ensure there’s no moisture inside or they’ll become soggy quickly. If you store them this way, they can last for up to 2 months.

How To Make Hide & Seek-Style Biscuits At Home | Hide & Seek-Style Biscuits Recipe

This recipe for Hide & Seek-style biscuits was shared by blogger and baker Shivesh Bhatia on his Instagram page. To begin, preheat your oven to 180 degrees Celsius and line the baking tray with parchment paper. In a large bowl, combine all the dry ingredients: whole wheat flour, cocoa powder, jaggery powder, and baking powder. Mix them well. Add cold butter to the dry ingredients. Using your fingers, incorporate the butter into the mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs. Now, add milk and combine everything together.

Roll out the prepared dough to a thickness of approximately 0.5 cm between two sheets of parchment paper. Sprinkle chocolate chips over the rolled-out dough, then roll it again. Using a chopstick or ice cream stick, create diagonal dents on the rolled-out dough. Next, use a pizza cutter to cut equal-sized squares from the dough, each approximately 2 cm by 2 cm. Refrigerate the biscuits for 15-20 minutes. Bake the cookies for 12-15 minutes or until the edges are firm.
Also Read: Got A Pack Of Cream Biscuits? Turn It Into These 5 Choco-Loaded Desserts And Shakes

Watch the detailed recipe video here:

Don’t they look absolutely delicious? Try making them at home and impress your family with your baking skills!
