Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Poster of presentation

Russian Wikinews attended Russian travel writer Viktor Pinchuk’s April 22 presentation at the Library of Romance and Adventure in Sevastopol, on his micro-textbook Cultural Travel located on the website Wikibooks and has two language versions — Russian & English.

The author began the lecture by mentioning that the concept is practically unknown in the vastness of the Russian Federation, as well as beyond its borders, providing as evidence and for comparison the data pages “Cultural Tourism” and “Cultural Travel”, where the first (contrary to the erroneously common belief, is not a synonym for the second) has been translated into dozens of languages, and the second has only three language versions, which are stubs.

The speech part of the event was supplemented by photographs and videos filmed by the author during his travels and long solo expeditions; all questions from the audience were answered in detail. The only drawback of the creative meeting was the low attendance. Either the reason is the lack of popularity of the topic presented, or the not very conscientious attitude of the responsible library staff, or perhaps both.

In addition to the usual criteria for a “Cultural Travel”, described in the Wikipedia article, the creator of the textbook added that he is interested in ethnic music, being an experienced philophonist — collector and showed those present four copies of music CDs brought from Indonesia, Lesotho, Mongolia and Mexico.

200Not everyone is given the opportunity to achieve that degree of enlightenment when, through the dissipated fog of everyday life, which obscures the gaze of walking along the path of existence, the contours of awareness of what is happening slowly begin to appear. A cultural travel, the subject of which temporarily forgets about his ego, reincarnating as an aboriginal, adopting his traditions and customs — one of the steps on the ladder leading to the true perception of objective reality, each move along which sweeps away the small and insignificant, which seems important to us in the bustle of life that slips away day after day.200

— Viktor Pinchuk

Video material from the presentation

Photo material from the presentation

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