Thursday, April 25, 2024

Ukraine fired conventional long-range ballistic missiles, supplied by the US, at two Russian military sites last week. Targeted sites included a military airfield in Crimea and troop locations in occupied Berdyansk. A US official told CNN that the US agreed to provide the missiles to Ukraine in response to Russia reportedly receiving and deploying long-range ballistic missiles purchased from North Korea and for attacks on civilian infrastructure in Ukraine.

The missiles were part of a secret weapons deal made between Ukraine and the US in February and the weapons were delivered last month. US officials told reporters in a press briefing that the deal was kept secret in order to maintain operational security. On Wednesday, US President Joe Biden approved a new support package for Urkaine worth US$1 billion. [Verify $1bn]( ==Note to reviewer== White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan acknowledged that additional long-range missiles will be sent as part of that support package.

The missiles deployed were part of the Army Tactical Missile Systems, or ATACMS. Some variants can have an effective range of 186 miles (300 kilometers). The US had already been providing Ukraine medium-ranged ATACMS since at least late 2023. Initially the US refused the Ukrainian government’s request to send long-range variants out of concern they would be used on targets within Russia. The delivery of the long-range variants came with the stipulation they only be used within Ukrainian territory.

The US Army is replacing its stocks of ATACMS with the Precision Strike Missile, which has a longer range and double the carrying capacity for the launch vehicle.

