We all know eggs are a delicious and versatile kitchen staple, but have you seen this new recipe making rounds online? It’s called an Egg Pocket, and it’s not just tasty, it’s adorable too! Indonesian vlogger Andre Sarwonoa shared this unique way to cook eggs on Instagram, and it’s leaving everyone wanting more. The best part? It’s super easy to make! Imagine a crispy, golden “pocket” made entirely of egg, filled with all your favourite breakfast goodness. Andre starts by dipping a ladle in hot oil, then dunks it in whisked eggs, creating a thin, cooked layer. Back in the pan, it goes, and voila! A perfect little egg cup is born.

The filling is totally customisable! In the video, Andre stuffs his pocket with lettuce, a juicy tomato slice, and a perfectly runny poached egg.   For the finishing touch, a drizzle of mayo and ketchup takes this dish over the top. This recipe is perfect for anyone who loves eggs and wants to try something new. 

Watch the video now and get cracking on your own Egg Pockets:

The comments section exploded with disbelief.
“Egg in an egg? Mind. Blown!” one user exclaimed.  Another chimed in, “This is basically an egg sandwich…in an egg! Genius!”  Someone even joked it should be called “eggception” – we see what you did there!
The creativity didn’t stop there. One commenter pondered, “What fillings could I put in mine?  Maybe another egg?” (We wouldn’t judge!)  And another couldn’t resist a playful jab at the name: “Wait, so I can literally put this in my pocket??” (Let’s be honest, though, it’d probably be devoured too fast for that!)
This egg recipe is fun, it’s delicious, and it’s sure to impress your friends and family. So what are you waiting for? Watch the video now and get cracking on your own Egg Pockets!  
