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Thursday, December 28, 2023
(Sing in the tune of “Big Girls Don’t Cry” by Fergie)
[Verse 1]
The emotional shock from it lingers on me now
I went to a doctor today, and it wasn’t good
I am so sad about what I will now have to go through
I am struggling to accept my new reality
Clarity, peace, serenity
I have some news, I have some bad news
I am immunocompromised
This means from today on, I will get sick more
I have some straightening up to do
And I’m gonna miss my anti-disease defense
Like a child misses their blanket
Like a young girl misses her doll
It’s time to come, to come to terms now
With my new normal
- “[ ]” — e.g. December 31, 1999
- “[ ]” —