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The LGBTQIA+community.

Today’s news we are going to go through the journey of being a part of the LGBTQIA family.Many people fail to understand that there is such sexuality where you feel attracted to the same sex that you are,like being attracted to a girl but you are girl also same applies to boys.I want to clear that mentality because this leads to the increase of murdering each other and rape also it makes a difficult process for them to come out of the closet because they are afraid that they are going to be judged,harassed,killed and raped.Nowadays things have changed,we don’t live with that mentality from back then and they also go through the process of being accused that they are practicing witchcraft and have snakes.So i humbly request that we must accept them as the way they are and support them and change the mentality of killing them because at the end of the day,they are humans also so my beloved let’s unite together as one and fight this,thank you.
