Assistant Secretary-General Miroslav Jenča, whose portfolio straddles both Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, voiced concern over attacks on energy infrastructure as winter approaches. Drones, death and […]
World News in Brief: Egypt malaria-free, tropical storm lashes Cuba, Mozambique killings, WHO support for South Sudan
“Malaria is as old as Egyptian civilisation itself, but the disease that plagued pharaohs now belongs to its history and not its future,” said Tedros […]
UN Security Council extends sanctions, arms embargo on Haiti
Unanimously adopting, under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, resolution 2752 (2024) the 15-member Council determined that the situation in Haiti continues to constitute a […]
Mystery still surrounds death of revered UN chief Hammarskjöld, 63 years after tragic plane crash
On the first day of his second term, Secretary-General Hammarskjöld (back of car, at right) leaves UN Headquarters on the way to the luncheon at […]
Lebanon: Cholera fears for communities uprooted by war
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said that a response plan had been activated to strengthen surveillance, contact tracing and water sampling. The […]
UN chief proposes $3.6 billion budget for 2025, highlighting peace, development and reforms
Outlining his proposal at the General Assembly’s Fifth Committee, the forum for administrative and budgetary matters, António Guterres said the proposal for UN’s regular budget […]
Ukraine: Time to recognise ‘tremendous potential’ of demining
“It’s a double win when demining – which is always a good thing – is linked to sustainable agriculture and energy security, even when a […]
Human rights violations escalate in Venezuela following disputed presidential election
The new report expands on findings presented in September to the Human Rights Council in Geneva. It documents a pattern of escalated human rights violations committed by Venezuelan […]
‘Historic progress’ for Colombia peace process – but challenges remain
Carlos Ruiz Massieu, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, told the Security Council that recent Government initiatives reflected an “important re-centreing” of the peace process. […]
UNICEF seeks $165 million for therapeutic food to combat ‘silent killer’
The warning comes from UN children’s agency UNICEF which said levels of severe wasting in children under five remain gravely high in several countries due […]