Saturday, April 27, 2024

Physical proof that Shrek is now running the US. Photo taken by {{w:Mike Pompeo}}.

On Friday, {{w:Joe Biden|Joe Biden}} stepped down as president of the US. {{w:Kamala Harris|Kamala Harris}} did not want to follow in his footsteps, and she stepped down too. For several hours, nobody knew who was going to be president. However, an ogre named Shrek came to the rescue. “I just wanted to drain the swamp,” said Shrek, “now get outta my swamp!”

Joe Biden’s decision to step down from office during an election year is controversial. Many thought the man would die in office due to his old age and deteriorating condition. However, it appears he is not finishing out his term, and the US has officially entered the era of the Shrek Administration.


  • “[ ]” —  e.g. December 31, 1999
  • “[ ]” — 
