THE Dutch based DFDO has been helping Below Poverty Level People in many countries in Asia, Africa and South American countries. The main agenda of the Dutch organization is to help the poor people by giving 4 buffaloes to each one in the family. The initial stages the organization help individual farmers how to take care about the cattle , care while grazing and during breeding time. The best way to get their help is to get registered with any NGO in Asian, African and South American Countries for organizing a Buffaloe distribution camps in their region .The NGOs must be hail from Good Green pastures, Plenty of water, the applicants must be from BPL communities. Each NGO is likely to get nearly 8,000 ( Eight Thousand ) cattle for the Distribution among 2,000 BPL applicants. The NGO must apply to Ruby Chadwick , of Director of Programmes Our mailing address is:
The Resource Alliance, Eagle House, 163 City Road, London, EC1V 1NR. United Kingdom.
The Resource Alliance invites VARIOUS NGOs from all countries twice a year.The applicants must submit the applications in Clear DPR in Dutch Language.
