Wednesday, May 15, 2024Original Reporting

Geliat Airlangga

UNAIR NEWS – East Java Provincial Health Service continues to maximize strengthening of the Maternal Perinatal Surveillance and Response (AMPSR) Audit system. For this reason, the East Java Health Office is collaborating with various parties. Among them are University Airlangga (UNAIR) through the Airlangga Care for Healthy Mothers and Children ( Geliat ) Movement and UNICEF Indonesia . The collaboration of the three resulted in a workshop which took place offline at the Santika Premiere Gubeng Hotel, Monday (13/5/2024) to Wednesday (15/5/2024).

Present at the workshop, Dr Muhammad Ilhamy Setyahadi, Sp OG (K). On that occasion, he explained that maternal death is not only fatal for the mother. But it also causes misery for unborn children and abandoned husbands.

“Children who lose their mothers are at risk of experiencing a lack of love and stunted development. “Therefore, the struggle to reduce maternal mortality must be encouraged for the future of the nation’s next generation,” explained Dr Muhammad Ilhamy.

Representative of the East Java Health Office, Dr. Waritsah Sukarjiyah, appreciated the efforts of the East Java region in reducing MMR (Maternal Mortality Rate) and IMR (Infant Mortality Rate). He revealed that AMPSR activities are an effort to control quality and costs, especially regarding BPJS claims issues. “To support control, AMPSR activities must run regularly in all districts/cities in East Java,” said Dr. Waritsah.

The Role of Hospital Accreditation
The first speaker, Dr. Dr. Prita Muliarini SpOG(K), MH, MM FisQua explained the role of hospital accreditation in East Java in efforts to reduce MMR and IMR. He explained that accreditation can help the health system in organizing antenatal care through self-assessment, external review and performance monitoring.

“Accreditation can improve the overall quality of health services. “So this has an impact on increasing society’s standards and expectations for quality health services,” he said.

Dr. Dr. Prita added that accreditation can encourage hospitals to increase public trust in health services. This can increase willingness to seek care , especially for pregnant women and babies. “However, accreditation can reduce MMR and AKB if there are changes in management and culture, regulations, and quality improvement ,” explained Dr. Dr. Prita.

Hope for the Future
In the final presentation, Dr. Dr. Prita revealed that Hospital Accreditation could be an effective tool to help reduce MMR and IMR in East Java. However, accreditation must be carried out according to procedures and in conjunction with other efforts. Such as improving the quality of human resources, infrastructure and regulations in hospitals.

“All relevant parties, including the government, hospitals, health workers and the community, must work together to achieve this common goal. “Through strong commitment and cooperation, it is hoped that the maternal and infant mortality rate in East Java can continue to decline and the future of the nation’s next generation can be guaranteed,” said Dr. Dr. Prita.

Author: Hana Mufidatuz Zuhrah

Editor: Yulia Rohmawati

