Indian cricketers Hardik and Krunal Pandya’s step brother Vaibhav Pandya has been arrested by the Mumbai Police for allegedly cheating them of around Rs 4.3 crore. It has been learnt that Vaibhav allegedly diverted around Rs 4.3 crore from the partnership firm, causing a loss to Hardik Pandya and his brother Krunal. Hardik, Krunal and Vaibhav had set up a business in 2021, and as per the agreement, the two cricketers will share 40 per cent each from profits while Vaibhav will get 20 per cent.

However, the lesser known Pandya, instead of sharing the profit, formed a separate company and diverted the funds from the business into it.

According to the officials of the Economic Offences Wing (EOW) of Mumbai police, Vaibhav was charged with cheating and forgery.

It has also been noted that the arrest was made after Hardik had filed a complained against the 37-year-old.

Meanwhile, Hardik has been in the news ever since he replaced Rohit Sharma as captain of the Mumbai Indians.

MI’s decision to remove Rohit as captain hasn’t been taken positively by the fans.

As a result, Hardik has been on the receiving end of some hate from fans over the same.

Hardik’s captaincy tenure got off to the worst possible start with MI losing their first three matches.

However, much to Hardik’s relief, the franchise won their last game against Delhi Capitals.

As doubts started to creep into the minds of players and fans, after a string of defeats, Hardik admitted that a lot of minds had to be ‘cleared’ before the match against Delhi. The result was MI putting 2 points on the league standings for the first time in this campaign.

In the post-match presentation ceremony, Hardik had no qualms in admitting that a lot of hard work had to be put in behind the curtains in the dressing room to get MI to experience their maiden win of the campaign.

“It was a lot of hard work,” Hardik said after the match. “We cleared a lot of minds, made sure our plans are right, the intent is right, and today was one of the days where everything clicked. There has been a lot of love and care going around. Everyone knows we lost three games, but the belief and attitude of backing each other was there, which has been fantastic. We needed just one win, and today is just the start.”

(With ANI Inputs)

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