Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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On Monday, a working group under the United Nations based in Geneva said that the detainment and jailing of the Ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan is arbitrary and a violation of international law.

Imran Khan has been jailed by Pakistani authorities after his arrest in August 2023. A U.N. Working Group on Arbitrary Detention in Geneva stated in a report that Khan’s arrest was part of a campaign of repression against him and his party, and that the right course of action to be taken was to release him in accordance with international humanitarian law.

His arrest remains controversial as Pakistani courts currently oversee several cases involving Khan. The U.N. group’s official statement was that his current state in prison is “arbitrarily in violation of international laws.” He remains jailed as concerns arise over his arrest.

Khan in 2023, 5 months before his permanent arrest.
Image: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf on YouTube, CC-BY 3.0.
