Have you been waking up with an irritated stomach every morning? Does bloating, indigestion, and heartburn keep you low for the rest of the day? Do your digestion issues aggravate at night, even after eating healthy? If you answered yes, then this article might help you detect the underlying problem. You read that right. During our research, we came across some expert-recommended tips that describe how one basic change in your lifestyle can help fix all your digestion and metabolism-related issues. Wonder what that is? According to nutritionist Lovneet Batra, it is your dinner timing.

Also Read: Avoid These Vegetables For Dinner To Prevent Bloating At Night

How Dinner Time Is Linked To Digestion? When Is The Right Time To Eat Dinner?

Nutritionist Lovneet Batra explains, “You can never fix your digestion without fixing your meal timings.” According to her, when you eat is as important as what you eat. In fact, she says that problems like bloating, constipation, etc., increase when your body doesn’t understand when to eat the food.

This brings us to the next question – what is the right time to eat dinner? Nutritionist Lovneet Batra says that the ideal situation is to eat your meal at least three hours before your sleep. “If you are looking for a quick fix to your digestion issues, I would suggest starting with one basic change – fix your meal timings and know what is the right time for you to eat dinner.”

Also Read: Meal Guide 101: How To Plan Your Weekly Meals For Stress-Free Cooking

5 Reasons Why You Should Fix Your Dinner Timings:

1. Improves your digestive health:

Eating your daily meals at a fixed time gradually helps lower the signs of bloating, gas, and discomfort, improving overall gut health.

2. Increases nutrient absorption ability:

Having dinner at least three hours before hitting the bed gives your body enough time to digest the food, enhancing its nutrient absorption abilities. In other words, it ensures that your body can efficiently utilize vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients while your body rests.

3. Aids gut health:

According to the expert, an early dinner supports a healthy gut by promoting the growth of good bacteria in the gut and “reducing the risk of digestive disturbances such as dysbiosis”. For the unversed, dysbiosis in your gut occurs when the food remains in the digestive tract for an extended period.

4. Regulates bowel movement:

Eating your dinner well in advance gives the food enough time to move through the digestive system, further regulating bowel movement.

5. Reduces the risk of acid reflux:

An early dinner is known to allow the stomach more time to empty its contents before hitting the bed and resting your body. This further minimizes the chance of stomach acid flowing back into the esophagus, causing discomfort or irritation.

Eat your meals mindfully and enjoy good health!
