Indian cricket team star Jasprit Bumrah’s wife Sanjana Ganesan had to come out on social media and expose a ‘fake account’ sharing the couple’s pictures on social media. Sanjana, who is in Barbados as part of an ICC team and in the capacity of being Bumrah’s wife for the T20 World Cup, shared multiple pictures on social media after India lifted the coveted trophy. Another account, with a similar X (Twitter) handle, like Sanjana’s, shared the couple’s pictures on the internet, prompting a fierce reaction from the International Cricket Council presenter.

“Hi, this is a stolen identity and stolen content. I’ve reported your account, take it down or I’ll have to initiate legal action,” Sanjana wrote on X.

Earlier, Sanjana also paid a glorious tribute to Bumrah, who played an influential role in helping his team end the 11-year wait for an ICC title.

“Words fall short when it comes to describing everything I felt, everything that happened, and everything that went through my mind yesterday. It all still feels like a dream, but to see the team pull off what they did deserves many, many rounds of VERY loud and passionate applause. WORLD CHAMPIONS and deservedly so!”

“And to my husband, the epitome of resilience, hardwork and brilliance, you deserve the sun, the moon and the stars in the sky. Everything you’ve been through, all the work you’ve put in, the fight you fight everyday to get better everyday is inspirational. Angad and I are so lucky to call you ours! Congratulations, this is just the beginning,” she wrote in a post on Instagram.

“As an Indian, as a wife, as a broadcaster and as a mother, this is a core memory. I’m going to hold this close to my heart for a very, very long time,” Sanjana added in her post.

The Indian team is expected to land in New Delhi on Thursday morning.

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