Friday, November 4, 2011

On Friday, 12-year-old Jared Hipsman of the League School of Greater Boston was told that he must stay back from the weekly field trip, as there is a policy stating that new students must be at the school for at least four weeks before being allowed to go on school field trips. At around 11:30 a.m. EDT, Jared was repeatedly banging his fist against his desk out of frustration and anger and confusion as to why he was being made to stay back at school while his classmates were on a field trip somewhere. Chinye (a.k.a. Chichi) explained to Jared that League School has a policy that students must be at the school for four weeks before they are allowed to attend field trips. This only made Jared angrier. Although the policy was not punishment of new students, Jared misinterpreted it that way. He said, “Oh, so I’m punished just for being new?”

During the last ten minutes of school before the 2:45 p.m. dismissal, Jared got in an argument with classmate Cameron Peloquin, who accused him of spilling a secret. They argued back and forth.

“I did not.”

“Yes, you did.”

“I did not.”

“Yes, you did.”

“I did not.”

“Yes, you did.”

Melyssa Beimler, one of two teachers in Room 209 (the other being Catherine Petringa), broke up the fight by telling both boys (Cameron and Jared) that their arguing was pointless. She said, “This isn’t a fight that can be won.”

Jared Hipsman is the newest student in Room 209, having joined only four days ago on Halloween, October 31, 2011. He will be eligible for field trips after Thanksgiving. This class goes on field trips on Fridays. Since Friday, November 25 is part of Thanksgiving break and is not a school day, Jared’s first field trip at League School may occur on Friday, December 2, 2011, instead. Like most people, Jared loves listening to music. He likes “Grenade” by Bruno Mars, as well as its newest follow-up, “It Will Rain”, which came out in late September, with its official music video scheduled for release next week. It will be released on November 10, so fans will get the video in time for Triple Eleven Day (11/11/11). Jared is not fond, however, of “On The Floor” by Jennifer Lopez and Pitbull.


  • “[ ]” —  e.g. December 31, 1999
  • “[ ]” — 
