Mr Huang’s dedication extends beyond his canine companions

When questioned about work-life balance at a recent event, Nvidia’s CEO, Jensen Huang, displayed an unwavering dedication to his company. The 61-year-old leader shared that he starts working upon waking and his mind stays focused on work, even outside of official work hours, seven days a week.

“I work from the moment I wake up to the moment when I go to bed, and I work seven days a week. When I’m not working, I’m thinking about working. And when I’m working, I’m working,” the AI chipmaker boss told Stripe CEO Patrick Collison during a chat.

Mr Huang, the long-reigning CEO of Nvidia and one of the world’s wealthiest individuals, prioritizes work from the moment he wakes up. Though he used to start his day at 5 am, he now waits until 6 am to avoid disturbing his beloved dogs. “I don’t mind waking people up,” Huang admits, “but I feel bad when I wake the puppies up.”

Huang’s dedication extends beyond his canine companions. He challenges the notion that ideal jobs bring constant happiness. Mr Huang said that some people think the “best jobs are the ones that bring you happiness all the time,” but he doesn’t agree with it. He believes it takes suffering and struggle to “really appreciate what you’ve done.”

“When you want to build something great, it’s not easy to do and when you are doing something that’s not easy to do, you’re not always enjoying it,” the Nvidia boss said. “I don’t love every day of my job, not every day brings me joy; nor does joy have to be the definition of a good day… but I love the company every single second.”
