When it comes to managing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), we try all sorts of permutations and combinations to ease up the symptoms. For the unversed, PCOS is a health condition in people who menstruate where cysts form in ovaries, caused by the overproduction of a hormone called androgens. This causes various health conditions in people. Although there is no cure for the condition yet, as per the PCOS Awareness Association, there are ways to decrease the symptoms of the condition. While you may have heard of herbal teas that might help relieve pain and other symptoms, there is another, lesser-known kitchen ingredient that can come to your rescue – Gond Katira. You must have seen your mother include this gum in various desserts but, you’ll be surprised to know how this can also be used to manage your symptoms. How, you’re wondering? Let’s find out.
Also Read:PCOS Diet: 5 Herbs And Spices That May Naturally Ease PCOS Symptoms
Gond Katira may help curb PCOS symptoms. (Photo: iStock)
Gond Vs. Gond Katira: What’s The Difference?
Gond and gond katira might sound similar, but they are actually quite different. Gond is pale yellow, has tiny crystals, and dissolves in water when soaked for 5-6 hours. It is known for its warming properties, which is why it’s a popular ingredient in winter treats like ladoos and panjiri. On the other hand, gond katira is translucent with large crystals. Instead of dissolving, this ingredient fluffs up in water and has cooling properties. This is what makes it perfect when you want to cool down your body.
How Does Gond Katira Help Manage PCOS Symptoms?
Body heat is a common problem faced by people who menstruate. This makes their day-to-day functioning difficult. Moreover, the body heat also causes several other problems like acidity, heartburn, acne, painful periods, constipation, etc. As per dietician Asiya Ali, gond katira – which is known for its cooling properties – may help tackle PCOS symptoms.
The expert explains how tragacanth gum may help tackle your PCOS symptoms:
1. Hydration
Since gond katira has a high water-holding capacity, consuming it can help keep your body hydrated and support overall hydration in your body.
2. Digestive Health
As per a research paper published in the International Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences, gond katira is rich in dietary fibre, which can help keep your digestion system happy and your bowels smooth.
3. Skin Health
Gond katira has a high water content and cooling properties, both of which can help keep your skin fresh and supple. As per dietician Ali, this can potentially aid the treatment of acne and other skin conditions.
4. Joint Health
Due to the inflammation caused by PCOS, people who menstruate often face the problem of joint pain. Gond Katira has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that may offer you relief from joint pain.
5. Immune Support
Gond katira has potential immune-boosting properties that may help boost your health and maintain general wellness.

Gond Katira can be used in various desserts. (Photo: iStock)
What Is The Correct Way To Consume Gond Katira?
Although you can include gond katira in your dishes and desserts, the best and quickest way to consume it is via water. Take 5-6 pieces of gond katira and soak them in water overnight. Cover with a lid and let it sit overnight to form a gel-like consistency. Take one glass of water and put 1 tsp gond katira in it. Add basil seeds and a few drops of lemon juice in it along with some pink salt. Mix the ingredients well and drink.
However, while gond katira has immense benefits for PCOS, it is always best to consult your doctor before you make any dietary changes.
Also Read: 4 Foods You Should Avoid If You Have PCOS
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