Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Poster of presentation

Russian Wikinews attended Russian travel writer Viktor Pinchuk’s March 4 presentation at the Alexander Pushkin Library in Bakhchysarai , Crimea on his book Third African trip ((ru))Russian language: ‍Третья афровылазка.

The author described the route taken and explained his “hobo tourism” ((ru))Russian language: ‍бомж-туризм method, similar to backpacking.

Those present learned a lot of interesting things about the creative trip, which included six countries of the “dark” continent, saw book illustrations and other photographs (including those exhibited at the personal exhibition “Hitchhiking across Sudan”), and were surprised to hear the seemingly implausible story of the author, who was carried away by the stormy waters of the Kunene River to the uninhabited territory of a neighboring country. There were many questions and as many answers.

Photographs from the book

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