UN Secretary-General António Guterres, said progress on ending the climate crisis, inequality and the harmful impact of new technologies was “slipping” and in need of […]
Tag: Development
‘Irrefutable’ need for global regulation of AI: UN experts
“The very nature of the technology itself – transboundary in structure and application – necessitates a global approach,” the final report from the UN Secretary-General […]
Summit of the Future Explainer: The push to connect a digitally divided world and counter AI threats
Earlier this year, an audience in a Geneva conference hall sat captivated by a video screen carrying live pictures of a 25-year-old man in Portugal […]
Summit of the Future Explainer: Time to accelerate reform of the international financial architecture
“The international financial architecture is outdated and ineffective and we are simply not equipped to take on a wide range of emerging issues,” UN Secretary-General […]
Summit of the Future: ‘Critical’ opportunity for safer, more sustainable and equitable world
“We need greater global solidarity today and with future generations, better management of critical issues of global concern and an upgraded United Nations that can […]
South-South cooperation can help solve ‘complex development context’
Speaking to UN News ahead of the International Day of South-South Cooperation, Dima al-Khatib, Director of the UN Office for South-South Cooperation, explained the transformative […]
Tech progress, automation, AI, cut workers’ share of wealth: ILO
“Global labour income share, which is the proportion of total global income that goes to workers, is shrinking,” said Celeste Drake, Deputy Director-General. “This means […]
UN chief demands global action to end racism against people of African descent
In December 2013, the UN General Assembly declared the International Decade for People of African Descent to address issues of recognition, justice, and development. The decade […]
Afghanistan: 20 years of steady education progress ‘almost wiped out’
Afghanistan is currently the only country in the world where secondary and higher education is strictly forbidden to women and girls over age 12. The […]
Stories from the UN Archive: Tumbling for peace and development
The UN uses that universality to unite individuals and groups through supporting sport for development efforts, participating in events from the global to the grassroots […]