Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and combatting hate speech and mis- and disinformation are part of the plan to bolster peace and mutual […]
Tag: GenderEquality
What’s the Alliance of Civilizations and why does it matter now?
Here’s what you need to know: An alliance for humanity The UN Alliance of Civilizations has had a long-held motto: Many cultures, one humanity. Based on […]
‘It all starts at home’: global UN forum opens in Cairo to rethink urban development
The Forum is convened biennially by the UN Human Settlements Programme, known as UN-Habitat. This year marks the first time the gathering is being held […]
Ukraine: Population drops by 10 million since Russia invaded in 2014, UNFPA reports
Since Russia’s invasion in 2014, the ongoing war has worsened these trends, with millions displaced and thousands killed, said Florence Bauer, UNFPA regional director for Eastern […]
Artificial intelligence: rooting out bias and stereotypes
During High-Level Week of the UN General Assembly in September, the topic of AI was the focus of several side-events featuring industry experts and UN […]
Guterres highlights Timor-Leste’s ‘growing international influence’
António Guterres is there to take part in celebrations to mark 25 years on Friday since the country’s vote for independence, which was organised by […]