Thursday, May 16, 2024Original Reporting


UNAIR NEWS – The series of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Training of Trainers (ToT) events from the SDGs Center Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) is still continuing. The activity, which collaborated with the Center for Global Sustainability Studies Universiti Sains Malaysia, took place in the Amerta Hall, Management Office, Merr-C Campus, Airlangga University.

Entering its second day on Wednesday (15/5/2024), the ToT discusses the SDGs module regarding the global trans-disciplinary vision for the future and its relationship to each point in the SDGs, the goals, interests, targets and indicators of each SDGs point. Dr. Noor Adelyna Binti Mohammed Akib, Deputy Director of the Center for Global Sustainability Studies at Universiti Sains Malaysia spoke about SDGs module points 13 to 17 at the workshop.

Environmental Aspects in SDGs
Climate change is a case of concern in recent years. In line with SDGs point 13, Noor explained cases that occurred in the last century or so. For example, an increase in extreme temperatures of 0.85 degrees from 1880 to 2012, as well as a rise in global sea levels of 19 centimeters from 1901 to 2010.

“We all know that climate change is really happening, so we have to be adaptive and resilient to whatever happens on earth, by being wiser in utilizing resources, implementing energy efficiency, utilizing renewable energy, and providing education about the importance of preserving natural resources,” said Noor.

Furthermore, Noor also emphasized the importance of water conservation and land conservation in SDGs points 14 and 15. “Indonesia has a very large ocean. So water conservation has a big role in maintaining sustainable life. “The aim of the 14th SDGs itself is to conserve and utilize resources in the ocean in a sustainable manner to maintain the stability of the earth,” he explained.

Preserving nature on land is also a special concern emphasized by Noor, by protecting, restoring and encouraging wise use of land ecosystems. This is realized by managing forests, fighting deforestation, improving land degradation and stopping hunting for biodiversity.


Question and answer session in ToT SDGs in Amerta Hall, Management Office, Merr-C Campus, UNAIR, Wednesday (15/5/2024). (Photo: Special)
Peace, Justice and Realization of SDGs Inclusivity
Noor explained that peace and justice are the goals of SDGs number 16. This can be realized through real action in the form of fighting corruption and strengthening law and justice in a country. In addition, it is important to build inclusive, strong and fair institutions in the decision-making process based on community participation in democratic countries.

Finally, he talked about the integration that SDGs number 17 wants to realize. Namely, building strong cooperation in sustainable development.

“So if SDGs 13 to 15 discuss environmental issues , number 16 is about world peace and justice, while number 17 is the ultimate goal. “SDGs 17 integrates all the goals in the SDGs into an inclusive goal for sustainable living,” he added.

Author: Febriana Putri Nur Aziizah

Editor: Khefti Al Mawalia

